is a great way to create suspense and awareness on the subject, from revealing simple information like date and time to teaser leaks of what your subscribers might expect.When the big day approaches, you need to increase your last-minute orders. No one wants to be the one who misses a good deal when everyone else does. Vodafone focuses on people's fear of missing out (FOMO) by using a countdown in their emails to entice more people to take advantage of their Black Friday deals.Case StudyPreparing a case study takes time and resources, so it's time well invested. By providing proof that your offerings are up to the hype, an in-depth
case study will persuade more prospects of the great benefits of your products or services. Before making a purchase, more than 80% of consumers would seek the advice of friends or family members; people think about what their peers have to say. Using employee email list a case study to showcase past customer achievements tells current prospects that they don't have to take your word for it regarding the importance of your product or service. Your case analysis, on the other hand, provides proof of this. Supporting your points with hard evidence, statistics and quotes from customers and customers further
strengthens them.WebinarsB2B companies represent more than 60% of companies that host webinars. It's easy to see why because thought leaders rely heavily on this type of content. You can use effective email marketing to start a conversation with prospects on your email list to make it easier for them to sign up for the webinar. Try submitting a recap with CTAs that encourage criticism and networking to make sure your business stays in the memories during the webinar.