Heartwell Prosthodontics Book ~UPD~ Free Download
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The House classification of complete denture patients has been available to the dental profession from early in the last century and is used to the present day. Advanced education students in prosthodontics, along with undergraduate dental students, have been taught and perhaps questioned about this system on oral and written examinations. The classification system has been cited on numerous occasions in the literature, dental textbooks, and presentations before dental societies and prosthodontic specialty groups. The classification system is based on how patients react to the thought of becoming edentulous and how they adapt to complete dentures. Although attributed to Dr Milus M. House, the origin of this classification system can be questioned.
Dr Neil was professor of prosthetic dentistry at Meharry Dental College from 1904 to 1917 and then taught at Vanderbilt University from 1917 to 1920. At Vanderbilt, he served as associate professor of prosthetic dentistry and was a special lecturer in block anesthesia. He later became a consultant to Coe Laboratories Inc and trained a number of dental laboratory technicians for the Certified Akers Laboratories group. He also presented many lectures on complete denture prosthodontics to the profession sponsored by Coe Laboratories Inc. Neil10 wrote another small text, entitled The Upper and the Lower, which was published in 1941 by Coe Laboratories Inc. Neil's classification system is not included in this small book.
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