The practice of live dubbing , the layering of nearly identical additional takes of one or more recorded tracks onto the original recorded track, has been around for nearly 100 years now. The concept of artificially doubling in order to save time and media space C级执行名单 was introduced in the 1960s, which essentially added "doubling" as a standard option among the arsenal of technological mixing tools available to engineers in the his.Today, an even wider range of options now exist for engineers like me, but if you're a singer recording your own vocals and wondering which option to follow to get the best possible vocal sound, there's a few considerations involved.
Which is the easiest or the shortest option?Personally, I've always used the true doubling method to capture multiple takes of vocals to create a richer, fuller sound since I started recording multiple tracks regularly nearly 30 years ago. However, I only started using artificial doubling effects regularly around 2010, using the Duo plug-in from Antares (Auto-Tune folks); and what a revelation it was!
Actual dubbing requires a singer or musician to go over their recordings, usually several times in order to get a take that is similar enough to the original take for dubbing purposes. In the days of reel recording, artificial dubbing also had to be done manually ; meaning I had to make copies of the take to be dubbed onto separate tracks and apply a variety of adjustments and effects to each in an attempt to create an acceptable secondary sound.Both options were time consuming and subject to a wide range of potential pitfalls, sometimes forcing me to give up on the idea of overtaking all together.When it came to digital recording, the options available eventually grew, but none offered spectacular, reliable results until Duo was released. And I quickly jumped at the chance to use this plug-in to quickly apply a fairly good quality doubled sound whenever I wanted. And, since the time investment was minimal, it was a simple choice to test it whenever I had the slightest idea doubling up might be useful, which was a game changer.
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